Click here to read how wrong. There are far too many examples of how banks behave badly to line out in a single post. Banks got it so wrong, our national economy suffered to the brink of a new depression. Apologists for banks, when focused on defending a single issue, are not always off base. Apologizing for banks behavior in areas where some of the worst abuse occurs is a bit…. shameful.
With quotes like the following, you should really click the linked blog above for the full read:
“Of course, the U.S. congress passed the CARD Act as a measure to “protect” consumers from the fee-generating schemes employed by greedy credit card issuers aimed at targeting defenseless consumers. PAHLEESE! I’m not buying it.”
“The real losers here are the millions of folks who use credit cards…”
“If you think banks credit-card fees are the source of your financial troubles, then you have the mind set of a money LOSER.”
While Mr. Martin ends his brief article with sound advice, everything but that last paragraph leads me to question the depth of thought he lent to the topic prior to his missive.
- Mr. Martin, are you aware of the pernicious practice of rate jacking a consumer on purchases already made and budgeted for, thereby increasing the costs of that purchase (often dramatically)?
- Are you aware of the now widely documented and recognized arbitration scam used by major card issuers and foisted on the American public?
- How about that card issuers securitized and sold to investors credit card receipt portfolios and that this practice, as quoted by the FDIC, accounted for half of their funding source, a practice which enabled unhealthy expansion in credit (remind you of sub-prime mortgage backed securities anyone)?
- Have you seen any of the investigative reports on credit card practices done by Frontline which establish these practices as having been developed to profit off the backs of low income and middle class Americans?
Wrong in word or deed.
I can only hope some of what he wrote was tongue in cheek, but it does not appear so. While I would tend to agree with the underlying message of your words suggesting consumers become more constrained and informed in how they approach spending and budgeting, and agree that this premise should extend to governments and politicians, please do not suggest that banks are innocent in their enabling the credit fueled boom/bust we are experiencing.
- Did consumers create the sophisticated loan programs that are not done blowing up in our nations face? No. How could they? They are money LOSERS in your words.
- Were banks bailed out having the costs pushed onto the American taxpayer (that would be you and your CFP clients)?
- Are banks done failing and being taken over by the FDIC as a result of their risk taking?
Mr. Martin, how many people do you speak to every day that lost a portion of their income in the current recession and who made every effort to communicate with their creditors openly about the need for a payment restructuring whose plight falls on deaf ears, only to then have their rates jacked from 8.9% to 29.9?
Mr. Martin, are you heavily invested in bank stocks? Did you personally, or in your capacity as a financial planner encourage others to; invest in pools of securitized debt obligations?
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