In the debt relief industry, finding a reliable and affordable source of comprehensive information about all of your options that is unbiased and not motivated by selling you something is becoming increasingly difficult to find.
This post is about “talking someone else’s book”! In its seventh printing no less!
The #1 resource I could possibly recommend to a consumer struggling financially and who is concerned with being fully informed about all of their options to deal with crushing debt is “A Guide to Surviving Debt”. This book has critical information EVERY consumer will want to evaluate if they are struggling to find the best solution for themselves and their family in tough financial times.
This book will thoroughly deliver reliable information that you can use to determine your best path for getting out of debt, with no concern for whether the information is slanted toward a solution other than the one that is best suited for YOU.
Let me put it this way.
Get this book, read it cover to cover, and you will know more than most of the self-proclaimed experts offering debt relief advice or products.
Surviving Debt tells consumers, their counselors, and lawyers what they need to know about:
- dealing with debt collectors
- which debts to pay first
- saving your home from foreclosure
- your credit report
- credit card debt
- student loans
- when to refinance your car loan
- income tax collections
- how to find effective credit counseling agencies
- special rights for military service members
- your bankruptcy rights
- much more
“A Guide to Surviving Debt” is published and available from the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC).
NCLC has a dedicated and successful history of championing consumer rights that spans decades!
If you are struggling financially or work with people who are, you owe it to yourself or those you work with to review this number one go-to resource!
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