If you find yourself unable to keep up with bills, and you get to the point where your payments with Credit One Bank are going to be late, it may be time to look into your options. Credit One is closer to the sub prime credit card category. They are a great option for rebuilding […]
Debt Bytes Blog
Reduce Credit Card Interest Rates
Readers regularly write to me asking what options they have for lowering credit card interest rates. Many people inquiring about consolidation are making monthly payments on time, but are only barely getting by, and some months end up taking money from one credit card to pay another, and are running out of balance transfer options. […]
Resolving Debt with Synchrony Bank
Many branded store, and specialty credit cards, are serviced by Synchrony Bank. If you are wondering whether you card is serviced by Synchrony, I provide a list of known businesses that use them below. As you can see, Synchrony is not just about its flagship relationships like Amazon, and Care Credit. They do a ton […]
Pros and Cons of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you make more than your state’s median income and are looking to clear away high, unsustainable debts through bankruptcy, and you have too much disposable income to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be a good option for you. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your debts are reorganized and […]
Budget your way out of debt
If you’re in debt, you may be able to break free just by making some smart moves with your budget. Slashing expenses that you don’t need, finding ways to lower fixed expenses such as auto insurance and utilities bills will free up more room in your budget. And so will the plain, old task of […]
Pros and Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
If your debts are unsustainable, and you have few assets, you may wish to clean the slate by filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Even those of us with assets we want to keep, such as your home or car, may find that it’s more suitable for their situation as well. As consumers, we will […]
The Pros and Cons of a Reverse Mortgage
With a reverse mortgage, a senior homeowner can withdraw a large chunk of the equity in their home for cash, spend it how they wish and wait to pay it back. Reverse mortgages are special types of home loans that are available to homeowners aged 62 and older. Unlike home equity loans, with a reverse […]
6 Ways To Prepare When Applying For A Mortgage
Looking to buy a home in the next year or more? You’ll want to clean up your credit, pay down debt and build up your savings. Here are six ways to get ready to apply for a mortgage. Review your credit reports. Buying a home is the biggest purchase you are likely to make and […]
Discover a Higher FICO Score: Secured Credit Cards
I wrote a previous post on how to rebuild your credit score, mentioning the fact that I had signed up for a Discover secured card to get the ball rolling. In this post, I will walk you through what a secured credit card is, the pros and cons of getting one, and how to best […]
How to Choose a Health Care Plan
Choosing the best health plan for you and your family takes time and a little bit of work. But before getting lost in the details of each plan, sit down and take a close look at your family’s medical needs and expenses. What medical services will you and your family need in the next year? […]