Comenity Bank is mostly known for servicing credit cards for stores and other outlets, not for their own branded cards, or retail bank locations. As you will see from the list below, they are the bank behind more than 100 other companies. Your options for dealing with credit cards serviced by Comenity will often mirror […]
Coping with Freedom Plus Loans When You Cannot Keep Up Payments
Freedom Plus loans can range from about ten to forty thousand dollars. The interest rates can vary depending on your qualifications when you get approved for the loan. This can make for hefty monthly payments, and can also mean some of us are one unexpected expense away from not being able to make our Freedom […]
Pros and Cons of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you make more than your state’s median income and are looking to clear away high, unsustainable debts through bankruptcy, and you have too much disposable income to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be a good option for you. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your debts are reorganized and […]
Pros and Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
If your debts are unsustainable, and you have few assets, you may wish to clean the slate by filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Even those of us with assets we want to keep, such as your home or car, may find that it’s more suitable for their situation as well. As consumers, we will […]
Get Out of Debt Before it Gets Out of Control
If you’ve already read my first article, 5 Steps to Get Out of Financial Purgatory, you know that we’ve reached step #3 on the list. And, although, I am definitely not an expert on getting out of debt, life has taught me that you can’t wish it away or bury your head in the sand. […]
How to Interview and Find the Bankruptcy Attorney You’ll Hire
Not all bankruptcy attorneys are created equal. That is not shocking. The same could be said about finding help in any profession or job that requires expertise and training. That said, finding the right bankruptcy attorney for you is not something that should prove difficult for most of us. But there are some things I […]
Debt Relief and Your Credit Score
If you are looking into debt relief programs and landed on this page, chances are you’re reading because you want to know the impact to your credit report and credit score if you use credit counseling, debt settlement, or bankruptcy as a way to resolve debt. You may have already realized that needing one of […]
Best Debt Solution Options – An Overview
Because the options available to eliminate problem credit card debt are limited, I often find it more productive to use a process of elimination to help determine what would be the best debt solution. Most readers will find they can narrow down the list of debt relief options to one, or perhaps two, using the […]
Stress about overwhelming debt, or fear?
I generally begin any debt relief consultation I do with people who reach out to my company in search of help with credit card debt with this question: “What has you reaching out to a perfect stranger? What is going on with you financially”? Then, I shut up and listen. I am sometimes the first person […]
Dealing with Capital One in Collections
My experience working with financially-challenged consumers and their creditors nationwide since the economic downturn reflects that virtually every national issuer of credit cards, even larger regional credit unions, have gone as far as they can to assist their struggling account holders. Capital One is an exception to this. How Capital One goes about settling a […]