Credit Report Limits on Paid Collections and Judgments
hello,just wanted to know about 2 judgements that i got in ny both of the judgements are already paid one was from 2006 and the other from 2009 now i live in long will they stay on my credit report...i been in nc for 3 years just paid the 2009 one off 2012 and the 2006 in do i get them off my credit report.
is the statue of limation the same in ny and nc for removing paid judgements
The credit card judgments should be showing up in the public record section of your credit report. It wont matter whether you are in New York or North Carolina.
Judgments stay on the credit report for 7 years.
From what you shared, one of the judgments was entered in the court in 2006. Count 7 years from the month the judgment was entered in the court and it should drop off of your credit report sometime in 2013.
The judgment from 2009 would be set to fall of the public record section of the credit report sometime in 2006.
There is not much you can do to remove a judgment from your credit profile. The record of the judgment is maintained by the court. While you may not be able to remove a judgment from your credit report, you should certainly make sure that it is being reported accurately. If the judgments have been paid off, they should be showing up as “satisfied judgments” in the credit report. If they are not showing that way, you have every right to dispute that information with the credit reporting agencies and get it fixed.
Do you have all of the information you need to get the credit report corrected?
Do you have any written agreement with the judgment creditor about payment amounts if you settled the debt for less?
Do you have proof of payments you made toward the debts? If payments were made through your checking account you will be able to get the payment records from your bank going back a few years.
There may be other negatives on your credit report about the judgment debts. The judgments were placed in the court record in 2006 and 2009. But the debts you were sued on went unpaid before that. Be sure the original creditors negative entries in your credit report are not appearing more than 7.5 years from the date you last paid them. It sounds to me like the debt associated with the 2006 judgment should not be appearing as a charged off or collection account already.
Can you tell me more about each of the original accounts? Like who the debts were originally owed to, when paid last, who sued and if debt collectors are reporting as well as the judgments appearing?
You can post answers in a comment reply below. Anyone who has a similar concern about credit reporting is welcome to post in the comments as well.
I have a judgement against me the collection agency that filed it is permanently closed. How do I pay it so I can get the judgement relesed
Who is the named plaintiff on the lawsuit?
Hello im an Army vet, i have two judgements placed against me back in approx 2006, for approx $20,000. I cant settle, because ive lived in germany for the last 5 yrs and have had 5 surgeries in less tha 3 yrs. Im 64 yrs old…im from nc, how can i check to see if there off my credit report or not.
You can pull your credit reports for free at
The judgments should have dropped from your credit reports after 7 years. That does not mean the judgments cannot be collected on though.
my husband and I are senior citizens and trying to use his VA to buy the house were renting now our landlord want to sell it and gave us a time limit of 6 months to buy it. however, we went to a mortgage lender and I found out I had a 4yearold judgement against me that I didn’t know I had placed there by the city taxes total 3,300 that needs to be paid and removed with in the 6 month time frame. I am working on my credit report as of now but I need a loan to pay this judgement off and no on will help because of the judgement to get the loan we need to pay it off and get the home ASAP. using our VA will get us the home but we need a 620 credit report which he has, however I don’t and clearing my report off will get the VA loan. State of Texas we have to both qualify as a married couple to get the home. please help or if theres any one out there that can help us? thanks and god bless you. please respond.
rita – Have you considered talking to family and friends about the need to raise those funds?
What are your husbands credit scores? Is his income consistent?