How to compare differences in debt settlement companies.
I am researching debt settlement companies. Your home page says you are unique and different. Please provide more details about what sets you apart from other people I have talked with.
What makes CRN different than other debt settlement companies?
Not all debt settlement companies are created equal. The majority of companies do have similar operations and fee models. But there are a small handful of debt negotiation service providers who are set up somewhat differently from the rest of the industry. This small group of companies can be found to provide hybrid strategies that are not 100% settlement oriented and will have lower fees than most other debt settlement companies. Consumer Recovery Network provides resources to different debt negotiation services you can compare.
Our Unique business model and attitude toward assisting people are the primary reasons we take efforts to point out comparisons.
Compare debt settlement companies.
CRN brought to the debt relief industry the first hybrid debt settlement business model of its kind. To my knowledge, some of the professionals in the network are still the only ones operating this way. The hybrid consists of the two most recognized best practices when helping people through a debt settlement program. We combined DIY (do-it-yourself) debt settlement education with ongoing unlimited support as a product, while offering full debt settlement services charging only 15% of savings after the settlement is achieved.
Network professionals provide customers tools so you can negotiate settlements with your creditors without having to pay a professional to negotiate for them. And utilizing the ongoing support can help you compare debt settlement deals you are getting with the best available at that moment. You can also tap into the ability of a professional to guide you through the sometimes inevitable curves and bumps that appear on the debt settlement road. There is also unmistakable value in having someone there to take over negotiations if you hit a wall with a particular account, or just simply want someone else to do it.
Historically, the majority of our members, at least initially, choose someone in the network over other debt settlement companies because full service debt settlement fees are often half what others may charge, and are paid after you know and accept the results.
Compare professional DIY debt settlement help.
People have often come to the network prepared to pay 15% of the savings procured for them from a professional handling the negotiating and settling. They are happy that they found us. But many are pleasantly surprised by the tools, support and encouragement we provide in order to negotiate and settle a deal on their own. It’s not that we don’t want to, or are unprepared to do the settlements for them, we are. We certainly don’t mind the fact that we earn more when we do the creditor negotiations and get everything documented. We just know that you deserve the right to know what we know, and to be given an opportunity to save a bundle in fees through DIY debt settlement efforts.
Professionals in the network are here to help you get out of debt as fast as you can and to reach financial health and freedom quickly. Having the lowest possible fees compared to other debt settlement companies is how we deliver.
We know our hybrid debt relief products and services model is the best way to help someone get out of debt when negotiating and settling unpaid bills.
Here is a brief summary of our attitude when working with people to resolve problem debt. As you can see, it makes all the difference:
- Put customers first.
- Our customers creditors second.
- Debt professionals bat third.
CRN has really had no competition since we opened our doors, but we have remained relatively obscure because we do no advertising and do not pay obscene affiliate or sales commissions (we have no sales staff). We do not try to compete with companies who spend massive amounts of money to get in front of consumers. Often enough, those companies who go to the expense of getting their message out through costly advertising are the worst to hire because they pass the cost of advertising on to you in the form of higher fees. Higher fees prolong the debt settlement experience, and can often prevent you from eliminating your debt.
Finding the right debt help.
Here is where you may be at: You want access to debt settlement professionals and help from an expert. There are oh-so-many people, websites and commercials saying “call us”, “fill out this form online”, “we can help you”. Some will certainly help you, and others are more concerned with helping themselves. How can you tell the difference? Unfortunately, you may not be able to until it’s too late.
My best advice is to work with a professional one on one, such as those offered through the network. I would also avoid hiring anyone to settle your debt for you who still charges their fees upfront before they negotiate any settlements for you. Most of the industry quit that harmful practice due to federal rule changes several years ago, but there are still some companies who operate that way.
If you would like to learn more about how negotiations with your creditors works, more about how CRN works, or detail about whether you should even consider debt settlement as an option, fill out the consultation request form and a CRN expert will get in touch with you. You can also call 800-939-8357, and choose option 2 to talk with someone about debt settlement.
Readers with question about how CRN works with customers are welcome to post in the comments below for feedback. If you have a service you are considering, post about that and I can help you draw some comparisons.
Hi Joe,
At this point we can help you explore your options and next best step.
We do assist people who have reached advanced stages of collection like you have. The critical thing for you will be access to funding for settlement and/or payment terms that will now be higher than would have been the case prior to litigation.
When did you last pay on these accounts?
What amount of funds do you have to apply to any settlement at this time or that can be realistically available to you in the very near future?
Who are your other creditors and balances?
These are some of the questions that can be covered if you would like to discuss the situation with a CRN specialist so that we can weigh in on what we can do or suggest you do.
You can click the consult tab in the top navigation of this page and submit the form once complete. A specialist will be in touch within 24 hours to assist you. You can also call direct: 800-939-8357 ext 3. for scheduling. It is after hours at the time I am posting, but leave a message with the number and best time to reach you and you will get a return call.
We look forward to assisting you further.
If i am in the process of being sued (by 2 creditors cap 1 and citi), can you still help me and negotiate with them considering they represent the OC?
All the other debts are with CA.