Debt Collection Defense and FDCPA Attorney for Spokane and N Idaho
I am being sued by Citibank (the actual company and not a debt buyer). I answered their summons and now they have filed a motion for summary judgment. They did not do any discovery and have not provided an original contract, just some credit card statements and a sworn statement from an employee. It is obvious to me that this employee did not verify the amount by doing any real math and I suspect the amount is not accurate and not in accordance with the contract and many amendments through the years, questionable fees, state laws, etc. I feel I have a strong case but am not sure I fully understand how to properly respond to their motion for summary judgment. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Could you recommend any good Attorneys in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho area with experience in this area of practice?
The closest and really good debt collection defense and FDCPA violation attorney in the area is in Spokane:
Michael Kinkley – RIP
7/28/15 – I heard today that Michael passed away. I can tell you that Michael was a champion for consumer debt collection rights across the country, and not just in our little corner of the world. His contributions to the consumer advocate community, and consumers at large, will surely be missed.
A recent Inlander article about defending collection lawsuits featured Kinkley and another attorney, Kirk Miller. If you have not read it, check it out here:
Let me know how this works out for you in the comment box below.
6/2/13 Update: I had occasion to connect with the other Spokane consumer law attorney referenced in the Inlander NW link above. I can also recommend readers connect with:
Kirk D. Miller, P.S.
421 W. Riverside Ave, Suite 704
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 413-1494
Kirk has experienced with debt collection defense, fair debt collection violations, and a big plus for Washington residents – he also works with people regarding fair credit reporting concerns (not many attorneys focus on this area of consumer law).
contreras says
I am an active military member, have been overseas since 2009. My credit report shows that there was a judgement against me a February 2009 by Suttel&Hammer Pierce County Superior Court that I was not aware of. There’s more details, however, I am currently back in the states and have stumbled across all of these cases with Midland Funding whom I’ve had problems with in the past. Is it to late for me to do something about? I’m asking in regards to Gray v. Suttle Associates LLC, Supreme Court of Washington.
Michael Bovee says
Call and talk to Kirk, the attorney I reference above. He offers a no cost initial consult, and can help you get the answers you need.
Tackett says
Can you refer me to a “Good Lawer” that will put these bastards in Prison and give me my hard earned money back to me so I can feed my Family.
Michael Bovee says
Are you in Washington? You can reach out to one of the two attorneys I reference above. If not in WA, where are you? I may be able to send you contact details for attorneys in your state that focus on these issues like Miller and Kinkley do.
Tackett says
Where is the Federal class Action against Suttell and Hammer standing? I am Looking for help as these shitbags are garnishing with no reason.
Heather says
We Had to claim Bankruptcy We Had No choice
Heather Mooney says
Husband got a judgement from suttlle and Hammer we have a very strong case we do not owe midland nobody can give us info for this debt they are going to garnish his wages we need help. We are in the Marysville wa area
Michael Bovee says
Heather – Though you are on the other side of Washington, I would recommend you call Kirk Miller. He can either assist you directly, or refer you to someone more local to Seattle/Everett. I added his contact details to the original post above.