One morning I switched my phone into Do Not Disturb mode, and kept it that way for two years. At that point I had many unheard voicemails. I’d stopped listening to them because they all said the same thing: I owed money. Six months earlier, I lost my job and emptied my savings to make […]
debt collection
Debt Settlement Success Often Depends On This One Priority
I often say that there are only 2 main ingredients to debt settlement success. Those are resources and timing. Resources means money you have to pay a settlement. Timing means your account is past due enough to get a good deal. But it is how these two ingredients combine that allows you to prioritize each […]
Comenity Credit Cards Can Be Settled For Less
Comenity Bank is mostly known for servicing credit cards for stores and other outlets, not for their own branded cards, or retail bank locations. As you will see from the list below, they are the bank behind more than 100 other companies. Your options for dealing with credit cards serviced by Comenity will often mirror […]
How To Deal With Resurgent Capital and LVNV Funding
Both Resurgent Capital Services and LVNV Funding are part of the Sherman Financial Group based in South Carolina. I have been helping people resolve debt with this debt buyer and collection agency for many years. If you are dealing with this company, as far as debt buyers go, it could be worse! LVNV Funding and […]
What to Know About CKS Financial Before Dealing with Them
CKS Financial is both a debt collection agency, and a debt buyer. They will purchase debts and try to collect on them like other debt buyers do. They also act as a contingency collection agency for lenders and other debt buyers. What you decide to do, and when, if you are dealing with them, can […]
What to do if Your GreenSky Loan Becomes a Problem
GreensSky loans are primarily unsecured, and made for home improvements. The loan amounts can reach above fifty thousand dollars. How much your monthly payment is will depend on the amount of your loan, and the interest rate applied. The larger the loan, the harder it can be to keep current with the payments. When financial […]
Coping with Freedom Plus Loans When You Cannot Keep Up Payments
Freedom Plus loans can range from about ten to forty thousand dollars. The interest rates can vary depending on your qualifications when you get approved for the loan. This can make for hefty monthly payments, and can also mean some of us are one unexpected expense away from not being able to make our Freedom […]
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC and Solving Your Debt
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC is one of the largest debt buyers in the country, and one of few publicly traded in the United States. Like many of the largest debt buyers in the US, PRA buys up unpaid collection accounts, mostly tied to credit cards, from Citibank, Synchrony, Comenity, US Bank, and more. Portfolio Recovery […]
Settling debt with Radius Global Solutions
A site reader recently wrote in to ask about dealing with a large debt collection agency by the name of Radius Global Solutions, who they are, and whether to settle a debt with them. The submitted questions are great, and as is the case with much of the site, I publish the exchange so others […]
Resolving Debt with Velocity Investment LLC
If you are hearing from Velocity Investment LLC it is likely because they have purchased an unpaid account from one of your creditors. Like with many debt buyers, Velocity bids on accounts that have gone unpaid more than 4 months in the case of fixed loans, and more than 6 months late in the case […]