Because the options available to eliminate problem credit card debt are limited, I often find it more productive to use a process of elimination to help determine what would be the best debt solution. Most readers will find they can narrow down the list of debt relief options to one, or perhaps two, using the […]
Dubious Debt Settlement Marketing Strategies – Don’t Buy into It
Every day, I receive a daily Google alert in my e-mail inbox that features links to articles, press releases and blogs about some aspect of debt settlement. It’s one of the ways that I stay abreast of what is happening in my industry. It’s the kind of information that any financially-troubled consumer might find by […]
Can Settling your Debts make it Easier to Find a Good Job in Today’s Tough Job Market?
In a recent blog post written by Diane Stafford with the Kansas City Star entitled: Bankruptcy filing thwarts re-employment, Stafford highlights a key reason why consumers who can qualify for a Chapter 7 liquidation of debt bankruptcy should research ways to avoid it, if at all possible. The concern here is your credit report when […]
Banks Raise Credit Card Interest Rates Based on Risk – But This Leads to Losses
More than half of all of the people that have consulted with Consumer Recovery Network over the years, have indicated that credit card interest rate increases had made it harder for them to keep up with their monthly payments. Why are these increases happening? In many cases it’s because of something called the universal default, […]