I recently spoke with a woman who had just been sued by Midland Funding LLC for a debt they bought from Citi bank. The amount she is being sued for is a few thousand dollars. She is being sued by a debt collection attorney in her state after collection attempts were first made by Midland Credit Management (MCM). Both Midland Funding and MCM are part of Encore Capital Group, which is one of few publicly traded debt buying companies in America, and one of the largest in the world.
I want to share the facts of her situation because they may help if you are getting collection notices and phone calls from Midland Credit Management, or if you are being sued by Midland Funding. Many of you reading this can prevent escalated collections from Midland in the courts, and anyone already in the courts will want to know how best to navigate things from here.
There will be many a reader just looking for why Midland Funding is appearing on your credit reports. Once you know why Midland is on your credit, many of you will want to know some things you can do to improve your credit.
Be certain to read the updates regarding Midland Funding on your credit reports that I posted at the end of the article. They have set themselves apart from any other debt collection company in the country by developing a consumer friendly credit reporting policy.

Credit card bills that go unpaid are packaged up in large bundles and sold off to bad debt investors in the normal course of lending. A portfolio of debt being bought by companies like Midland Funding could include your account, and thousands of other unpaid credit card bills.
Having your credit card debt bought by a debt buyer like Midland Funding is not unusual. And depending on how the debt collection and debt buying landscape changes in the next year or three, it could become even more common than we see today.
Midland Funding LLC and Midland Credit Management are Different
While Midland Credit and Midland Funding LLC share the same ownership under Encore Capital, each company does something different, and those differences matter to you. Midland Funding is the debt purchasing arm, while MCM will be recognized as the active debt collection agency, similar to how you would view any other debt collector.
Midland Credit Management sent a debt collection letter to the woman I reference above. Receiving a debt collection letter from a collection company you don’t immediately recognize is a normal occurrence. Collection agency letters and phone calls are the 2 primary ways a debt buyer, or the debt collectors they hire, will try to get you to pay.
You have options for handling the collection efforts from Midland Credit. If you are in a position to work out a settlement for less than what is owed on the now purchased account, doing so after the first phone call or collection letter you receive, is something to consider.
Understand that making arrangements to pay a debt buyer the full amount for a debt they bought is not going to go to your original creditor. The debt buyer is not a lender, but an investor. They are risking money to buy up bad debt to turn a profit.
Midland Funding is willing to accept less than the face value of your debt through its debt collection arm Midland Credit Management. How much less will vary. You are welcome to call me at 800-939-8357, ext 2, in order to get help settling with them.
Midland Funding generally shows up on your credit reports. Once on them, you cannot pay Midland to delete the derogatory in the first 2 years they have your account. You can negotiate a lower payoff and Midland Funding will update your credit reports to show the account is resolved and a zero balance owed. This will help you get a home loan through, and benefit you in other ways too.
There is a delay between Midland Funding buying your debt, and them reporting to the credit bureaus. Midland Credit Management will often start off the collection process by sending you a collection notice, or make collection phone calls that you may pick up. In the letter or phone call Midland may offer you the opportunity to settle or set up payments on your account in order to prevent the credit reporting of the collection account from occurring at all. As of the most recent update to this article, you have three months from the date they get your account to take advantage of this offer. If you can afford the money to settle, or set up payments you are confident you can pay each month, there are immediate and long term benefits to doing this. It is not a trick, they actually do this, and may be the only debt collectors making this type of offer.
If you want to settle with Midland Credit Management for less than the balance owed; can afford 50%; and sometimes spread out over 24 months; click the get debt help tab at the top of this page and create your user profile.
You can get help settling with MCM and have a deal done within days (as long as MCM has not already sent your account to a collection law firm). The Network I helped build has many negotiators, and we all charge 15% of savings. No savings, no fee.
Debt Validation Request Letter Sent to Midland Credit Management
The woman I refer to in this article sent Midland Credit a validation request in response to a collection letter MCM sent her. Sending a debt validation letter to a debt collector is your right. If for any reason you question the nature of the debt being collected, requesting validation from a collection agency or debt buyer will accomplish a couple of things:
- Triggers an obligation under federal law on the part of the debt collector.
- A written response from the debt buyer should include the original creditor, the amount owed, and these days, we are seeing some form of documentation to back up their claim (not simply a reference to their own spread sheet of debts they purchased).
- Debt buyers and debt collectors do not always respond to your request for validation, but the response is often sufficient to meet the standard that would allow them to continue to collect (the federal debt validation standard is low enough to trip over, your state law standard may be a little tougher).
- Debt buyers may never respond to a debt validation letter. The account may end up with a different collection agency, or sold off to a different debt buyer (Midland has not been much of a debt reseller of late).
Midland Credit Management did not respond to her validation request to her knowledge.
It is not uncommon for a debt buyer to ignore a validation request. The reason validation of debt requests are ignored by Midland Credit Management, and other debt collectors and debt buyers, is that sometimes no meaningful information was included when the debt was purchased. There are sometimes options to acquire detailed information from the original creditor at an additional cost, but that is not always the case. And you may not appear all that collectable to a debt collector, and they just may not bother if they see a low probability that you will pay anything.
When debt validation requests are ignored, Midland Funding may still send your account to a collection attorney.
Many years ago, I came to the conclusion that sending debt validation requests to a debt collector like Midland Funding, when you already recognize the debt as yours, and your goal is to resolve the debt by settling with the collector for the lowest amount possible, is counterproductive.
Midland Credit Management Sues in Order to Collect
The woman who inspired this post next received a collection letter from a well known and very active debt collection law firm in her state. She sent a new validation request to the attorney debt collector hired by Midland Funding. The collection attorney responded to the validation request with some basic information about the original account including monthly billing statements from Citibank. Shortly after receiving the debt validation response in the mail from the Midland Funding attorney she was served with a lawsuit.
Debt buyers will target accounts they buy for aggressive collection. Midland Funding is part of the largest debt buying collection brand in the nation. Lawsuits to collect can play a big part in how a debt buyer like Midland Funding will look to turn a profit on their investment in defaulted credit card debts.
The debtor, in this case, shared with me that she knew the sister of the process server that showed up at her door to serve the lawsuit. With that connection, a friendly enough conversation took place. The process server shared the fact that she had a list of Midland Funding lawsuits to serve… about two hundred of them. She lives in a county with a small population. Two hundred or so lawsuits on debts bought by Midland Funding is not unremarkable given the amount of people there are in the area.
Midland Credit Pre-Legal Notification Letter
Update February 2023: Like many creditors, Midland Credit will often send a letter telling you of their intent to escalate collections by taking you to court. These mailed notices will typically include the words “Pre-Legal Notification” in larger and bolder letters.
A Pre-Legal notice from Midland Credit should generally not be construed as an empty threat, or just a collection tactic. They are telling you that your file has been selected for collection attorney placement, which is the precursor to a lawsuit being filed to collect. And you can prevent this.
Always open your mail from Midland Credit. If you see a pre legal notice, you typically have time to negotiate a settlement with them for a much better savings than when it goes to the attorney. The main reason I am posting this 2023 update is that I am seeing Midland send out their first collection notice, that they then follow up by sending a pre-legal notice only a few weeks later. There is often more time between their first collection notice and the legal placement letter. But they are accelerating collections with many accounts. And because they give you a timeline to resolve the debt before they take that step, your next move is important if you intend to try to settle the account
Go here to schedule a call with me to talk about settling with Midland. I can often get these accounts settled for fifty percent of the balance or lower, and the settlements can often be paid over a couple years if you need time.
I can help you settle once the account goes legal too, but the deals after attorneys get your account, or an action has been filed in the courts, are not as good, and the process is much more formal.
What to Do About Midland Funding LLC Collecting Your Debt
If you are contacted by Midland funding LLC, or by Midland Credit Management, or some other Encore debt collection brand (Atlantic Credit and Finance, Asset Acceptance), consider the following:
- Are you able to come up with a plan to resolve the debt for half of what is owed? If you can afford to settle with MCM or Midland Funding you can contact them and work toward getting a deal negotiated, a written agreement on the collectors letter head outlining the terms, and pay it off. While it is recommended to negotiate and settle with MCM or Midland Funding in a single lump sum payment whenever possible, you can also look to set up monthly payments that you are confident you can afford and follow through with to completion. Midland Credit Management and Midland Funding both offer different methods to resolve debts they are collecting while giving you time to pay.
- If you are not familiar with the debt they allege you owe, request the debt be validated. Send your request in writing via certified mail. If you do not hear back from them do not assume they went away. I do not recommend this approach if you want to resolve a debt that you know to be yours.
- Be certain you are aware of how long it has been since you last paid on the account and compare that to the SOL (statute of limitations) for being sued on your type of debt in your state. You may learn that you cannot legitimately be sued for the debt as it has passed the SOL. That does not mean the debt can no longer be collected, or that you should ignore it. The account is likely showing up on your credit report. If you have a goal of buying a home, or refinancing an existing home, you may find you are forced to settle collection accounts in order to qualify for a loan later on. And settling later on may come at a higher price. Avoid applying for credit of any nature just prior to negotiating with Midland Credit and other debt collectors (it makes you look more collectable)
Depending on your current financial situation, looking for affordable settlements and paying off debts with Midland Credit Management and Midland Funding will set you up for less stress and the ability to achieve later financial goals.
The woman who inspired this article was someone I worked with a few years ago. She was laid off from work and struggled to find a new job. She could no longer afford to make payments on her credit card debts and was referred to me by her accountant. I worked with her and her husband to develop a plan to settle her unpaid debts, rather than file bankruptcy (they had filed in the 90’s and did not want to go through that again). She was able to knock down her largest 6 credit card balances by settling with her original creditors using money she was able to borrow from a family member. Her husband’s hours were then cut back at his job, and it became impossible for her to follow through with the plan, leaving a couple of her smaller balance accounts unresolved, the Citibank account Midland Credit Management began collecting was one of them.
She did not reach back out to me for feedback on dealing with the Midland Credit Management collection letter she received. Instead, she went to the internet and found what she said was the consistent advice to send a debt validation letter to MCM. She thought the collection account was behind her when she did not hear back from MCM. When she received the attorney collection notice in the mail for the same debt, she simply repeated her debt validation request again. She did not know how, or what, to respond to the collection attorney with, once they mailed back evidence of a debt she already knew she owed. She only contacted me again after she was sued by Midland Funding.
Settling with Midland Funding LLC When Sued
I suggested she connect with a local consumer attorney about her options to handle the lawsuit. After that consultation, she decided to settle the lawsuit from Midland Funding. We got a good deal, to be sure, but she was settling on a total balance that had increased due to attorney costs. We could have settled directly with Midland Credit Management early on, and for a much better savings, and less stress.
There is, often enough, also going to be a difference between the amount you can negotiate and get approved to settle for, when you are dealing with a debt collection attorney. It is not uncommon to see a 20 to 40 percent premium to settle a Midland Funding debt once sued for collection, compared to negotiating before the account lands in court.
If you are just not in any shape financially to follow through with any strategy to resolve the debt with Midland, you may end up with a judgment against you. Judgments can be settled for less down the road, so keep that in mind. But you may want to consider defending against any collection lawsuit too. There are good resources that can help you, but you will want to assess the costs and time involved in any effort to defend collection lawsuits.
What You Can Do to Resolve Debt with Midland
You may be reading this and in a situation where you cannot possibly think of how you can resolve a debt being collected by MCM or Midland Funding LLC. I understand that. The situation is what it is, and sometimes all you can do is wait for things to improve before tackling old debts. However, you may want to at least learn about the options available to you to tackle debts Midland is collecting. You may be surprised by some of the flexibility that is available. You may even be able to avoid being sued later, by taking action today.
If you have received collection notices from an attorney for Midland Funding, or have been sued by an attorney for collection, you will want to contact the attorney directly. You should also consider speaking with an experienced collection defense attorney of your own.
If you are trying to resolve an existing judgment from Midland Funding, you have options for that as well.
There will be additional pressures on Midland Funding, Midland Credit Management, Encore Capital Group, and many other collectors and debt buyers, as a result of new federal regulatory supervision. The CFPB has already had a huge impact on Midland Funding. I will keep the article updated as things develop.
Midland Funding LLC on Your Credit Reports
I am updating this article as of 1/10/17 to include information about Midland Funding credit reporting policy changes that are way ahead of the curve when it comes to providing you the ability to meet your current and future personal credit goals. Be sure to click through and learn more about how Midland Funding will handle credit reporting when it comes to accounts you have with them.
- Midland Funding will not show on your credit reports if you are able to make payment arrangement, or settle with them for less, in the first 180 days after they purchase your account. This is obviously ideal when you can commit to resolving accounts with Midland Funding early on.
- Midland Funding will remove all credit reporting if you pay or settle a debt with them. This is an obvious benefit to those of us who had financial setbacks that lingered longer, and who could not take advantage of the opportunity to keep Midland off our credit reports from the beginning, when they sent their first collection notice.
- I have seen it take up to 60 days for the Midland Credit account to be deleted from your credit reports.
There are many examples of people in the comments below, and who I have spoken with on the phone, who are taking advantage of Midland’s credit reporting policy.
Midland Funding is leading by example with this credit reporting policy.
Updated 2/20/20 – Three additional debt buyers have since followed the example Midland set for credit reporting.
If you would prefer to get help settling your Midland Credit Management debts, let us know by scheduling a phone call using the box below, or the help tab up top. We can help you and typically for a fraction of what most companies charge.
I had a debt with CitiBank for $6500 sold to Midland who then turned it over to the law firm Eaton Group in Baton Rouge, LA. They obtained a judgment against me. I have called Midland to settle and they told me I had to speak to the attorney’s office handling my case. I called and spoke with Kay White at Eaton Group. I told her I wanted to settle, gave her my settlement offer and she said she had to check with the creditor to see if that settlement would be acceptable. She called me the following day and told me that my settlement of $4000 was accepted. She gave me a number to call and make the payment and that once my payment was made, she would send me a payoff letter, receipt and cancellation of judgment. This was back in March 2019. I have since called several times and no one has returned my calls because I have yet to receive any of that documentation. Also it is still reporting on my credit report with a balance of $2500 remaining with it still being open. Now I’m trying to buy a house. My closing attorney ran a title search and found that the judgment is still showing as active with a balance of $3000 remaining owed. I have placed several calls to the attorney’s office, specifically to Kay White, and haven’t received a call back. I can not go through with the house buying process with this still hanging over my head and I don’t know what to do to get this resolved. Your help in this would be greatly appreciated!
An attorney involved in a case should typically update the court with any material change in a reasonable period of time. I would contact the collection law firm one more time about filing a motion of satisfaction with the court (or sending you one you can file), and state politely, but firmly, that a state bar complaint against the named attorneys involved in your case will be filed if this is not addressed immediately.
There is a chance you got screwed by the law office and they are saying this is not settled, and that is why the credit report is still showing the balance owed, which is why you want settlements in writing before you pay, or a phone recording of your own where the deal was covered in detail before you pay.
See where you can get with the state Bar complaint and let me know what happens, and we can go from there.
Midland funding just took all the money in my account and I have no idea why, there is no record of me owing them anything they do not even show up on my credit report, not sure what to do now
My account was frozen by midland funding in the amount of 1500.00. This account was brought from walmart which I opened up in 2012. I went to court and received a wildcard to remove up to 4000.00 out of my account. I juat received a letter from my bank stating they sent over my bank information and deposit information; is this legal? What can I do? I go to court. July 31, they said the hold will be lifted but under what other circumstances???
How much is owed on the Midland Funding judgment as of now?
This suggests they have a court judgment against you.
It sounds like this is the first you have heard of any of it.
I suggest scheduling a call with me to go over the details of your situation.
You can click the get debt help tab in the upper right and fill in some details about your situation, then bring up my schedule and pick an available day and time for me to call you.
Unbeknownst to me, and I will take some blame here for not catching it sooner, I had finally noticed after a while from the mail (and calls) for which I thought was some junk, MCM said I owed on a debt from CITI of $4000 which came as quite a shock. It was from a store that I had been to once, and I think I bought less then $100 worth of stuff there. Through many calls and confusion, I had finally agreed on paying $50 a month reluctantly for something I did not do. No one told me anything about going to their website to look up info, no one could tell be what I purchased. I don’t believe CITI sent me any alerts. I didn’t go in with any knowledge of debt collectors, but their was definitely a lot of pressure. Fast forward——as I have been trying to figure all of this out, I just received a check in the mail from MCM in the amount that I have already payed them, very confusing. Do I cash it? Do I call them and ask what all of this means and negotiate? If this was my own debt I would just have to grin and bear it, but this is painful. Thank you for listening.
I would call Midland for sure, and find out what is going on with the refund, and with the collection account itself.
Is this showing on your credit reports?
I was just served by a processor Monday afternoon regarding my unpaid debt and are confused as to where I need to start resolving this. Should I contact them first?
You can contact the law firm suing on behalf of Midland.
This situation can be tough to deal with. If you want help you can click the get debt help tab in the upper right and go through the steps to schedule a call with me.
Hi I had a question about how to settle a lawsuit with mcm
When were you served the court papers?
How much are they suing for?
Last year 1600 and I only owe 700
Settling with Midland is no walk in the park, especially when sued. I suggest clicking on the get debt help tab in the upper right corner and completing a profile to schedule a time to talk with me so I can help you strategize.
Midland Funding has filed a Civil Action/Contract Dispute lawsuit against me. The total is around $1600. How can I settle this out of court, and if possible for less than the amount owed?
Check out this page about dealing with lawsuits: https://consumerrecoverynetwork.com/question/can-you-negotiate-and-settle-a-credit-card-debt-if-you-are-being-sued/
Midland purchased my husbands C/C debt from Citibank in 2010. We owed maybe 1,500.00 when contacted from Midland they told me over 6,000.00. I repeatedly asked for proof of why I owed this amount of money. I never got an answer. They took us to court, I hired an attorney, they did not show up. Instead ( without our knowledge) rescheduled the court date for the next day, which we were not aware of and they won due to us not showing up. Now here it is 7 yrs later and we are trying to refinance our existing home when the title search shows a judgment from Midland for 6,900.00. I do not have the money to pay this. What can we do????
Fill in the questions using the bot on the screen. It is designed to give me the details I need in preparing for a consult with you on the phone. We can cover some next steps on the phone.
Midland funding llc I had sued me to garnish my wages. I just tried calling them to pay off the debt of $667 but they told me I owed $887 I can’t pay that I don’t have that They told me they won’t work with me and needed full payment. What can I do to stop this from garnishing my wages? Please help.
Can you clarify whether you are at the beginning of a lawsuit, or that Midland Funding has a judgment, and has sent a garnishment order to your employer?
They sent a garnishment to my employer. I called them wanting to pay the debt, but they tacked on $200 more dollars. Wouldn’t let me pay the $687 I had and make payment next week for the rest. Which I feel is very unfair
Watch this video about dealing with wage garnishment.
Debt collectors are highly unlikely to settle for less if they have an active wage garnishment out.
Additional money owed on the judgment is often going to be from the interest rate the judge gave them, and also the sheriff’s office or similar administrative agency charging for the garnishment process.
I almost have all the money to pay the debt I’ll have it by Tuesday if not monday afternoon. Will they let me pay it out so that I don’t have wage garnishment ?
I have dealt with some judgment collections where the settlement could not occur until the wage garnishment was returned. Call the law firm and see what they are willing to do. I suspect they will want to see how your employer responds. This may be something you want to speak with your own attorney about in order to find out if there is anything you can do (besides petition the court) to stop the wage garnishment.
You may be thinking “it should not be this hard to pay off a debt in full” voluntarily. But the formal court process can take things down a different path.
I talked to the law firm that has my dept collection and they told me to put a check in the mail to pay it. Does that sound right
Only if your pay roll department has not taken money from you yet, and you talk with them about it first. If you pay it twice they will return it minus processing fees, but that can take a while.
I almost have all the money to pay the debt I’ll have it by Tuesday if not monday afternoon. Will they let me pay it out so that I don’t have wage garnishment ?
I just made a agreement on my debt and am going to pay it today but they told me I won’t get anything written or sent proving the agreement till after I pay. Should I go ahead and pay even if I don’t have anything regarding the agreement yet and trust that they will send me something? And is it safe to use my bank card to pay it?
Are you settling with Midland Funding? They are good about sending things in writing, but if they balk, call back and record the call where you go over the details of your agreement. Tell them you are recording and why (they won’t send a letter out ahead of time). Save the recording at least until you get the letter.
If you are dealing with a different debt collector post who that is, as my feedback could change.
Hello! Midland bought a a debt from citi bank that had a date of first delinquency as 6/2010. They are reporting the account as opened 11/2013 with them. My credit reports do not show this date in Thhie reporting. I do however have old experian dispute conclusions reflecting this first delinquency date. How can I get them to stop reporting those debt once the 7 year limit comes up in 4 months?
If Midland Funding does not come off your credit report when it is supposed to drop (up to 7 and one half years from when you stopped paying), you can send a credit bureau dispute, or send a dispute direct to Midland, and now a days you can resolve a debt 2 years or older and Midland will remove the credit reporting item.
How can I negotiate a judgement from midland Credit Inc in New Jersey? I have been trying to negotiate with them since April 2016.
What is the balance owed? What are you offering or suggesting to them you can afford to pay? Is there a lien on your home?
They say I owe $5400. When bought from Citibank balance was $4900. Have my payment history and I paid $2449 to Citibank. The have a judgement and tried to garnish wages but went to wrong employer. That garnishment has expired I know the judgement is still good. I do not own a home and I have no assets. I might be able to pay $2500.
Be careful not to let them know where you work when calling to negotiate. It is hard to settle judgment debts for half off, as you are finding out.
Are you calling or writing in making your offers?
I have been answering the cell phone when they call. I record all conversations.
I received a Financial Disclosure Form from Midland Credit Management, Inc. They have already put a judgment on me. Do I fill this form out and send it back or what should I do. I live in Texas. Thank you!
Talk to an experienced debt collection defense attorney about what to do with those forms. Sometimes these kind of notice is a court order, and that can mean of much more importance to respond to, and correctly.
I can email you a list of experienced attorneys in Texas if you like?