Can I get a judgment removed from my credit report?
I had a Judgement entered on feb/2012 for a $400 medical bill. It increased to $800 once it was sold to a debt collector. The collector reached out to me to make payments but I could not due to lack of funds. Long story short. A judgement was served to my then boyfriend at the time (feb/2012) because he opened my door and confirmed I lived at that residence. Missed court date so the collector received a default judgement against me. Started making payments of $100 every month until I lost my job again. I haven't heard from them since. I made 2 or 3 payments total after the judgement was in place.
I want to fix this debt but I want the judgement to be removed from my credit report. Called the collector 2 months ago informing them I would make two split to pay balance in full within 1 month. They declined saying they would gladly accept the payment but will not remove the judgement they will only said judgement settled on my cr. The firm is a building not far from home maybe 20 min ago with an office of like 5 ppl. Not sure if i can go in face to face to make arrangement again with my same terms or speak to another agent and or person in charge. Not sure if its something i can do on my own to meet my terms or if i need to get my own attorney to do the negotiating for me. Really want to take care of this before it increase any higher than it already is or worse/wage garnishment. btw I live in M0.
How can I get a judgement removed off my account if I pay the balance in full? Is this something i can do on my own if told
It sounds like your main goal is to resolve the debt and get the negative off of your credit report. Unfortunately, you are fighting a losing battle with this approach.
Getting a Court Judgment Removed From Your Credit Report
The life time credit cycle of a debt that goes unpaid looks like this:
- 30 days after you miss a payment to a creditor, like a credit card bill, you should see a thirty day late pay on your credit report if the item appeared there already and is updated regularly.
- 60 days after a missed payment you now would have 2 payments skipped and are considered 60 days late.
- As long as you continue to miss payments month by month you are being reported as an additional month late.
- Ultimately the creditor will charge off the debt and take an accounting hit. The charge off is often then reflected on your credit report.
The Life Cycle of Credit Damage
After missing payments on unsecured (and most other debts), your account may take on some additional qualities after charge off.
5. If a debt collector/debt buyer has the account and reports it as a collection on your credit report, with a balance due, the charge off from the original creditor remains, and the new negative will be reporting a balance due them, not the original creditor.
6. If you are sued for collection and judgment entered in the court, the judgment can turn up in the public record section of your credit profile.
Most of the negative credit impact from missing bill payments does not get to #6. One through 5 has a 7.5 year shelf life from the date you missed your first payment. There are some shenanigans that occur with credit reporting and debt collection accounts being reported with more recent dates, and even instances of multiple entries showing up for the same debt and more than one reporting a balance due, which is not right because you cannot owe the same debt to more than one place.
I am pointing out the above as a brief outline for later readers of this page. A little perspective of what happens to credit reports along the way when a bill remains unpaid is a good foundation for what I have to share about getting a judgment removed from credit reports.
Credit Reporting, Collectors, Debt Buyers, or Attorneys Collecting Debt
There is a hierarchy to who can do what when it comes to credit reporting. Debt collectors, debt buyers, and attorneys that collect debt cannot make your original creditor change what the bank is reporting to the credit bureaus. And even the original creditors have no real influence over the court records once the judgement is entered.
The judgment is a matter of public record. The integrity of that record is maintained by the court. You would need to get the judgment vacated, or the judgment creditor to somehow miraculously want to undo their suing you (doesn’t happen).
Unless you have a good argument for getting the judgment vacated, and are willing to spend the money on an attorney who knows what they are doing when it comes to accomplishing something like this, or dedicate a hell of a lot of personal time and energy to learning how to do it for yourself, the judgment will stay in the record with the court.
Judgment debt has a 7 year shelf life too, but the time only starts ticking from the date the judgment was entered.
Is this a big deal? Not for most people. Getting the judgment paid, even for less than the balance owed if that is agreed to, will result in a satisfaction of judgment being filed. You can use the court record to rapidly update your credit report yourself if you are dealing with the judgment in order to get a home loan approved, or refinance a current mortgage.
Be sure that any pay off agreement, whether in full, or for less than the judgment balance, includes filing the satisfaction with the court. There is no shortage of feet dragging when it comes to updating the court.
Paying Off or Settling a Judgment Debt Can Be Done on Your Own
It is always best to discuss legal matters with an attorney who practices in a specific area of law. In this case, one with credit reporting or debt collection experience. Hiring one to help resolve an 800.00 debt may not make sense unless you want to battle the judgment itself.
With a smaller debt amount such as this one, you can get the payment in and avoid garnishment. Just be sure that any agreement to pay includes in clear terms that upon receipt of payment, or the full agreement being met, a judgment satisfaction will be filed with the court.
Improving Your Credit Report After Payment Setbacks and Judgments
I will have a series up at the beginning of the year that details credit report recovery and tips for increasing credit scores after bouncing back from a tough financial patch. In the mean time, if you can answer the following questions in a comment reply, I can give some more feedback:
What are your immediate financial and credit goals (buying a home, car, other)?
What other negatives appear on your credit report beside the original payment default related to the judgment debt, and the judgment itself?
What positive items are appearing on your credit report right now?
Need some personalized help?
If you would like confidential help you can…
- ask a quick question here
- request a general debt consultation here
- get a settlement estimate here
- use the CRN Platform to settle your debts or find dedicated Debt Coach here
Not sure where to start? Click on the big blue “Get Debt Help” button.
What if I go to court, lose my case and have a judgement entered but paid it in full and years later the attorney files that a mistake was made and I overpaid? The court responded that judgement was reported as fully satisfied so no further action could be taken.. I previously overpaid in a suit for monies I didn’t owe according to the plaintiff and they tried to make it right. What do I do?
You may want to talk to an experienced consumer law attorney debt collection attorney in your state. You can find some using the drop down menus here:
Years ago my husband got a vehicle loan in Missouri. Later moved to Texas and continued making payments. Then he got laid off. Living with family and unable to make payments he allowed the vehicle to go back. Several years later he received a notice to show up in court in Arkansas. Working again but unable to afford to take time off work or pay travel expenses he ignored the notice. We were looking to buy a house and a judgement showed up on his credit for over 9,000. Of course no one will give us a loan now. We can’t afford to pay the full about or hire an attorney or travel to Arkansas. Is there anything we can do ourselves to deal with this? Doesn’t really seem right that they can file in another state that my husband has never lived in.
It is not right. What was the date the judgment was entered in the court?
Also, it sounds like they already knew you were in another state, but please confirm that in reply too.
I’m not sure what date it was entered in court. The date on the report is empty.
The notification was delivered to my husband in Texas
Call and consult with one or more of the attorneys I just email to you in Arkansas. They all have the experience you will likely need to look into vacating the judgment for being sued in the wrong state.
The debt was paid in 2011, received court documents and a judgement satisfied letter. I have forwarded copies of these documents to the big three credit agencies. It is 2017 and my credit report has not been updated.
Did you send a dispute to the credit bureaus? Did they respond to your dispute within 30 days? If any of the bureaus responded, what did they say?
Hi….I have incurred some medical bills, that unfortunately I ended up with a judgment against me. The question I have is none of these medical bills are in my husbands name and the judgement is in mine and his name. Can you tell me if I can at least get the judgement removed from his name, since he did not incur the debt I did? We are in New York State.
Talk your situation over with an experienced debt collection defense attorney in New York. I can email you a list with the experience you need if you like?
Our home was recently foreclosed on. We had already left the home and were living in another state. Our daughter was staying in the home and when the house was sold at auction, the new owner filed an eviction on us and our daughter. She moved out of the home and now we find out we have a default judgement on our credit for an eviction from a property we didn’t live in. How can we get this removed from our credit? What do we need to file in the courts in California to do that? We can prove we lived in another state for a year and that our daughter should’ve been the only person evicted, not us. We need this off of our credit. Thank you.
Check out the interview I did with this California debt collection and Fair Credit attorney. Call him and see what he suggests.
I went to the courthouse yesterday to try and file a motion and the clerk told me all I need to do is contact the attorney who handled the eviction and have them remove it from our Experian. I called and left a very detailed message with the receptionist and am awaiting a response from the attorney. I found out that we would’ve had to file a motion within 6 months of the default so we are still within our time limit, although I am hoping we can solve this with the attorney instead of going to court. Thank you!
Hi Mr Micheal, This is Ram, Have a Derogatory mark (public record) in my credit report like below.
Date —
Status Filed
Amount $984
Classification Legal Item
Type legalitems
It happened in 2012 March.
I sincerely request you to give me an advice to overcome this (I am willing to close that payment with penalty with the Apartment complex owner (so far I am out of USA since then came back home country due to family emergency that time till now not been to USA) but to avoid this and want to be good and want to have clean report. what I have to do to overcome with no derogatory in my credit report.
Appreciate your kind advice.
It is difficult to get the collection removed if it is legitimate. You can resolve the debt and get it updated to show as a zero balance and resolved. That will allow you to get credit and financing needs met still.
Hello. I’m trying to buy my first home. I recently paid off a small judgement and received the satisfaction papers to give to the court which I’m having sent to the Court. I was served at an old address and my mail was forwarded from my x landlord. Also the original judgement was 451.00 and the lawyer firm charged me 612 instead. I have 3 other derogatorys for medical bills and an old utility bill from 2012 which I intend to pay off since it’s in the same state we are trying to buy in. And we need gas and electric. I have opened 3 credit cards and I’ve been perfect with payments andonly using 10 percent or less of my credit limit. But the judgement is what’s scaring me here to get a house. What do you suggest sir?
You are already doing what you need to. Once that judgment is updated to show as satisfied in the court record, and those other 3 unresolved debts are update to show zero balance owed, you would likely qualify for FHA loan underwriting.
Hello. My husband and I are trying to settle a debt that has a judgment on it and then was sold to several different collection agencies. What should we do?
Just wanted to add that the judgement occurred in 2012.
Who is collecting on it now? What is the name of the plaintiff on the original judgment? How much is owed today?
A previous landlord obtained an eviction/default judgment against me back in 12/2012. I didn’t receive notification until after the court date, and I haven’t made any sort of payment to this day. From what I understand the statute of limitations on a judgment can continue to be renewed every 10 years by the creditor. If the creditor does renew/extend the judgment does the judgment also get extended on my credit report, or would the judgment be removed from my credit report after 7 years from file date regardless of whether the judgment is extended/renewed? If I were to pay the judgment does that renew the date of last payment/7 year period that it will report on my credit report like it would for other debts?
The judgment will fall off after 7 years of entry regardless of whether you pay or don’t pay. Nothing resets that. But just because it is off your credit does not mean they cannot collect on it through all legal means available.
Non judgment collection accounts are not allowed to reset for a fresh 7 year credit reporting period just because you make a payment either.
Iam from SOUTH AFRICA I just found out that i have a judgment on ma record and i was about to be summoned i have received a letter from the court of sherif but after that matter i manged to contact the stored which placed that judgement and started to do some paymemt for the first time. So i just need to understand how will i work it out on this judgment or how long will take to be removed on my name
Thank you
Judgments are typically removed 7 years after entry in the court record. You can get the judgment updated to show as paid or satisfied long before the 7 years is up, which will still help you accomplish credit and financing goals.
As I try to work out a lump sum type of settlement with Bank of America via a law firm/debt collector – is there anything else that is negotiable or, not necessarily negotiable, but something I should/can ask for with a settlement?
For example, I received a summons – if I settle this in advance of moving forward further in the court? Is it possible to have this removed and no longer visible from the state repository that is searchable by the public? Or, will it remain, but say withdrawn or something else?
And, is there any changing what is reported on my credit report? Or, will it say, “Settled – Less than full balance”? Is it at all likely that this could phrased differently? Or, would they ever indicate settled in full?
While I’m anxious to have this all settled and move on, I’m also trying to reduce the damage and clear the trail behind me – including public & credit records.
Thanks for your information and advice.
If it were me, my negotiations with Bank of America would include dropping the case. That will prevent any judgment appearing in the record, and avoid one being on your credit reports. But the court is a matter of public record. I am not sure the case getting dropped would remove any trace of it. Talk to an attorney that practices in your particular court about that.
Your credit report will typically be updated to show a resolved collection with a zero balance owed. The notation about paid for less, paid in full etc., means little. It is the zero balance you want and need to start to heal your credit. BofA will not do anything other than the minimum legal requirement in this regard, but that’s fine, as it is all you need.
Hi I have a judgement on my credit unpaid for 7 yrs from past landlord. I put myself in treatment for alcoholism at the time I was renting from them 2009. I was in treatment so I never got court date so now I moved to Indianapolis from Minnesota and my son and I can’t get an apt! I’m on SSI and work 25 hrs a week what can I do?
How much is the judgment for? Settling the debt to get it to show paid or satisfied may be the best option. You may benefit from reading this article about renting with bad credit.
I had a loss of income and a judgement was filed i have paid over 7000 dollars the amount of judgement was 7000 they say i still owe 6000 what can i do [edit: email removed]
What was the interest rate set by the court in the final judgment order? What was the date the court entered judgment? What state are you in?
I found out recently that my inability to get a loan is because of an eviction on my credit and the enormous charge that accompanies it. I was evicted in 2012 halfway through a 13 month lease – the apartment was less than $700 a month. Yet somehow the judgement on my credit report is for over $13,000. This alleged debt is not only excessive for the circumstance it is damning to my finances, it has made it exceptionally difficult to find a safe place to live.
I have no other delinquent accounts on my credit report aside from this gigantic item. My credit score is just below average and I cannot get a credit card without the line being secured, nor a car loan without a co-signer. When trying for a car loan last year I was told by the bank that it was the high dollar amount of this judgement that caused me to be automatically declined for any credit.
I do not understand how they could report that I owe them this amount of money. It is not only financially insurmountable, it is disproportionate to the lease commitment I still had and any other reasonable charges and fees besides.
What can I do to challenge the enormous amount I am said to owe for this eviction?
The time to challenge the amount you are sued for is when sued. After the judgment is entered you have few options to un-ring that bell.
Were you aware of the lawsuit as it occurred?
You can often negotiate a lower payoff on judgment debts. That will bring the cost down and help open up credit options again.
Hello Michael,
My name is Brenda and I have a credit card judgement on my credit report that needs to be cleared or vacated. I am looking to qualify for a home and on a fixed income. There are several resources available for me. However I must have this judgement removed. It is from Capital One originally 750.00 now 1,3200.00 with the creditor.
The debt is from 2009 and has been charged off but remains on my report score.
Please help me resolve this situation.
Thanks much
It can take 7 and one half years from when you stopped paying for a debt to come off your credit. A judgment has 7 years from the date entered in the court record.
There is not much to do to vacate a judgment unless you have some legal arguments to bring to the table. Even if you do, I would suggest working with an attorney that has debt collection defense experience. That would likely cost more than the judgment.
The way to clear a judgment is often going to be settling it so the court record is updated to show paid or satisfied. You can still get a home loan with it showing that way.
I just for the first time got my credit report on my own and found that 3 yrs past a landlord died and that he has placed a Judgment against me. He had Alzheimer for 8 yrs prior to dieing so my question is how can a dead man put a judgement against me for something i didn’t do and wasn’t even living in the home that he and his wife had i and my family had moved out leaving behind a another tenant and there belongings and we moved out of state it wasn’t till i looked my credit report to rent a place and found a judgment from a dead man. How can i have this removed?
Is it possible that you left while still being on the lease and that the tenant you left behind caused a reason for the suit, but you go thrown under the bus too? Can you contact the tenant you left in the house and find out?
You should talk with an experienced debt collection defense attorney about any legal challenges you may have. What state is this old residence in?
I had a judgement against me and my wages were garnished. This has been paid off, for about 3 years now. On my credit report it still looks as though I owe the full amount. It does not look like I have ever made a payment on it. How do I go about getting this corrected?
Are you referring to the credit reporting entry of a charge off, or the judgment that is showing on the public record section of your credit reports?
Thank you for this good information! I have someone I am assisting with credit, and she is owing a large debt to a former landlord. A judgement was filed in 2009 with a total debt owing at $4,615. The individual I am assisting is homeless and does not have the financials to pay the debt. The organization that holds the original debt is not willing to reduce debt. What is the best advice for the individual? Should she attempt to make small payments, in order to show good faith to prospective landlords? Or should she leave the debt untouched and hope for the statute of limitations to run out. WILL this judgement AND debt fall off in 7-10 years? We are in WA State.
Thank you!
The judgment will fall off the credit report in 7 years from date entered in the court. It is still there though, and can still be collected upon. Washington state judgments are in effect for 10 years and can be renewed for another 10 years.
I am not a fan of small payments on judgments as there is usually judgment interest being charged, so the smaller payments are not making a dent in the balance.
If there is a way to come up with half the balance owed as of today I would focus on saving up for that and trying to settle the judgment for less.
I had an ambulance bill and was not aware it was not paid fully by my insurance company because I never received a bill or anything from the Insurance company stating otherwise. I only seen it when I checked my credit rating and Seen a D for payments where I was always an A. I paid it however once took my case stated is the bill was in my maiden name when I shift with the creditors that were collecting. In short I just like to know how long before this comes off of my credit
Typically this kind of thing stays on your credit for 7 years. But paid medical bills have very little impact on your credit scores anymore.
Thanks for the info. I have a question, I’ve been trying to find an apartment but have been turned down d/t a public record judgement on my credit report. The judgement was paid and I was never evicted, is there anyway to get it removed?
I cannot currently recommend any sure shot way to get the judgment removed from your credit reports. It is there because it exists in the court record. Does it show as paid or satisfied on your credit reports?
You may want to check out some tips for renting with bad credit.
This article is awesome…..thanks so much for the info.and quick reponses. I live in alabama and was in Wisconsin previously. I did have a judgement against me for I think around $5000 from an unsecured loan in WI. It had dropped off my credit. I am in the process of settling abother judgement that still appears on my credit for less than is owed.
My question is, will the judgement that is no longer on my credit be brought up or found when we start our home buying process?
Any unresolved judgment is highly likely going to stop your home loan process in its tracks, and regardless of whether it is too old to stay on your credit reports or not.
How do I start going about finding where to settle this judgement? The only thing I know of is the original creditor.
Start with the court record. Who is the named plaintiff? Who is the collection law firm that handled the case?
For several years I have been trying to find the best way to handle some debt. I am divorced for almost 4 years now. I have all of the kids, but still pay a hefty spousal support to my ex. I wanted to file bankruptcy, but didn’t follow through with it, although I still think that’s my best bet. Since then I have had a group of lawyers challenging things for me and they have taken quite a bit off of my credit report. Being that I have all the kids and still pay a huge spousal support monthly, 5 creditors went to judgments (some two years ago and some 3 years ago). Three out of the five were removed from one of the credit bureaus (the rest to follow), but isn’t it possible for the courts to still act on those even though they have been removed? Of course, also since then one of the judgments was recently acted on and now they are taking a huge garnishment out of my check and I’m still looking to file bankruptcy anyway. I’m just trying to find the quickest path to get back into a mortgage.
Filing chapter 7 will prevent a mortgage for only 2 years if you use FHA financing. Can you come up with the money to settle and pay all of your debts, especially the judgments, in three years? How much do all the judgments add up to?
My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a home. I was made aware tonight of a public record judgement against me in the sum of $1697 from a credit card when I was 18. I haven’t made a payment or anything in 8 years because I had honestly forgotten about it. My husband was in the military for the last 5 years and we have not been in the country or our state of Louisiana until a couple months ago.. I had zero knowledge of this being turned into a lawsuit or anything- I was NEVER served any type of papers on this and no idea of where to even go from here… if I was never served can I request it be removed or vacated? Or am I forced to pay a debt I do not think I fully owe? I do remember having the credit card and I do remember owing like $600 and making payments. But I was a teenager and jobless going to college I quit paying (stupid I know) but I know I didn’t owe that much!
It can be a real struggle to get an 8 year old judgment vacated. And even if you had a decent shot (you don’t), you want an attorney to help you, and the fees for that could easily be more than the debt.
I would look at negotiating this for less then the balance owed, but before you do that, check out this video about settling old debt when you are trying to buy a home.
I have a judgement on a credit card from my company that was closed in 2011 here in new mexico – the last payment was on 11/11 – the judgement was filed against the company and my self – however the amount is wrong and I was never served or notified at all – I recently found out about this because i was checking my credit report and I have never been notified by this law firm here in new mexico – has the time lapse on this
Find out who they served and at what address. You can do that by looking up the certificate of service in the court record. Once you have that info, give me a call at 800-939-8357, ext 2, or submit the “talk to Michael” form in the right column, and we can set up a consult time.
Trying to get a va loan. I have a judgment 1000 11/15, 2 delinquent 6/16, one open consumer loan, no open credit cards, only debt is a closed credit card (950 balance of 1000) limit, consumer loan balance is 3500 of 5000 original, charge off capital one credit card 250 from 10/14. Collections 1800 from 1/16. Make about 5500/month what do I do first
I would keep all active accounts current, and bring any that are only a month or three behind fully current (making up the late pays). I would settle any charged off debt for lump sum settlements, including the judgment.
Hello,I have a judgment placed against me on August 29,2016. I received court papers from the company that brought the account. From the original company I had financing through. If I make a arrangement to make mthly payments towards the judgment. Will that still effect me getting a mortgage?
FHA loans can still go through when you show 3 or more on time payments on a judgment debt. That may not be an option with conventional financing.
Hello I am trying to inquire about a judgement that was filed on 11/09 by original creditor and has now since been sold. Will the judgement fall of in 7 years or only if I pay off or come to agreement with collections or creditor ?
I have called them and they told me they have charged it off and cant find anything with my ssn.
Who is the original creditor involved?
Who is the named plaintiff in the lawsuit that was filed in 2009?
A judgment from 2009 will fall off of your credit reports sometime in 2016. But just because it is not seen on your credit does not mean it went anywhere. You can still end up with a lien, bank account levy, or a wage garnishment. And an unresolved judgment will typically turn up if you apply for a home loan and stop that from going through.
I have a 15k public record that I would like to settle for a lower amount and pay to show satisfied on my credit. Should I contact the original company, the collection company or courts? Or all three. Also after its paid will it be removed or just show paid.
Thank you.
Desperate to move on.
When did the judgment get entered in the court? If it was in the last year or two you are likely looking at dealing with the original attorney that sued. Call the original creditor and ask who they have the account with. They will tell you. If they pulled it back you may be able to deal with them.
Once paid, a judgment will show satisfied in the record. It will no be removed. The judgment drops off your credit after 7 years.
Thank you for the insight and direction.
My situation is a little different. I have paid off the judgement against me 3 months ago but she has still not filed a satisfaction of judgement with the court. I’ve been told she asked her assistant to send it off. Then she sent it again and she doesn’t know why it wasn’t received by the court. I have confirmed the address with her multiple times. The court says there is no backlog for this type of paperwork. They said when they come in they immediately process them. I need to know how to get her to do her part because I’m being told that I can’t even bring in our emails, the signature on the certified mail that was send with the payment and the proof of payment(in certified funds) from my bank is not enough because they have to have it in writing from her before they can consider it satisfied. I’m trying to buy a house and they will not move forward without the court showing this has been taken care of.
File a complaint against the attorney with her state Bar Association. 3 months is a bit too long to update the court.
You may also want to file a debt collection complaint with the CFPB against the attorney.
For any later readers, 90 days after payment clears is enough time for a satisfaction of judgment to be filed. If it has only been 60, I would hold off on pushing the complaint button.
I was taken to housing court on 9/2015 for a non payment case for rent arrears. I answered in person and got the court date for 9/17. I also appeared and a stipulation agreement was made to pay in full by 10/31/15. It was paid on 10/20/2015. The case was supposed to be closed however on 8/6/2016 i pulled up my credit report to see a judgment dated 9/15 from civil court. I also check my credit report on the monthly basis and that was never on there.
I then contacted the management and they said everything was paid and they are not sure how it got to civil court. In desperation i asked for a satisfication of judgment from the management company and they gave me one however problem is that this was paid already in housing court but the attorney probably forgot to close the case. What should i do now? Transunion deleted it however equifax is giving me problems! Please help
You might want to file a debt collection complaint against the attorney with the CFPB. You can also look to file a state bar complaint against the attorney.
That is only if the judgment was filed in error. And I would call the attorney to see if they can/will correct any error they made. I would give it a week or two.
Good morning Michael Bovee my question is this I was in court with my landlord for a judgment of $8200 of that it been paid but I don’t know what to do because it’s now a public record on my credit report I’m still living at the same home paying rent to the same landlord please i need help how to deal with this matter because I wanted to buy a home.
Were you sued, a judgment entered in the court record, and then later on made arrangements to pay?
What is the date the judgment was entered in the court record?
When is it you would like to be purchasing a home?
Are there any other negatives on your credit, or unresolved collections?
I also would like to know that since the collection agency send my payment Back what do I do? Also I don’t understand how the judge approved it without getting proof from that as to what I was asking for proof of me owing it. Is it too late to get the judgement vacated since it was 2012? I wish I could have the judge throw that out only because I don’t believe I owed 2,000 dollars. When I had that card I know someone had stolen the one I had before and I lost my job but had a protection plan at a time. I wish I did more research before. I think it would not make since to file bankruptcy I rather pay it if they were cooperating I figured they went out of business. Idk what to do. I am trying to buy a house and my clock is running out 🙁
It makes NO sense to file bankruptcy over this amount. And it would put you off your home ownership goal by typically 2 to 3 years.
What state are you in?